Farm, Ranch, & Natural Resources
Bernalillo County Cooperative Extension Service
- Master Gardeners Hotlines - Albuquerque
Please send gardening questions to Starting March 1st, the Master Gardener Hotline will be taking calls at (505) 243-1386 every weekday between 9 AM - 12 PM and 12:30 - 3:30 PM
- Codling Moth (Apple and Pear pest)
Added to the Seasonal Gardening page under Spring: Codling Moth information, from USU Extension.
- Spring - Seasonal Gardening Resources
Pruning is a popular seasonal task, referenced here among other important gardening jobs.
- NMSU-BernCo CES Calendar of Events
Upcoming Agriculture, Horticulture, and Natural Resources Calendar
Agriculture Programs
Educational programs on farm research and demonstration, as well as personal consultation, are available in the following areas:
- Crop Production
- Soil Health
- Livestock Production
- Organic Agriculture & Integrated Pest Management
- Agricultural Entrepreneurship & Business Planning
Bernalillo County has approximately 7,000 acres of irrigated land as well as privately and publicly owned rangeland used for agricultural production. In order for farmers and ranchers to remain on the land they must adopt practices that help them increase their economic viability. Producers look to Extension Service personnel and their educational programs for guidance, information and technical support as they plan and implement their agricultural enterprises.
Crop Production
Includes urban farming, traditional row and field crop production, high value vegetable and fruit production, forage and pasture management, and organic production methods. The following topics are available within each of these subjects.
- Season Extension - Extending the Growing Season In NM
- Variety Selection - Circular 585: Species Selection and Establishment for Irrigated Pastures in NM
- Forages Management and Research Publications
- Irrigation
- Pest Management
Livestock Production
Includes cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, and horses.
- Circular 564: Protein & Energy Supplementation to Beef Cows Grazing NM Rangelands
- Circular 612: Using Byproduct Feedstuff in Grazing Nutrition
- Guide B-125: Ration Balancing on the Ranch
- Circular 641: Hay Quality, Sampling, and Testing
- Circular 685: Sheep Nutrition
Organic Agriculture & Integrated Pest Management
- Urban / Small Farm IPM: What is it?
- IPM for Home Gardeners
- Pollinator Project
- Pest Alerts
- Western Small Farm IPM Working Group
Circular 655: Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardeners
The evaluation and incorporation of all available techniques (old and new, low- and high-tech) into a unified program to identify and manage pest populations to minimize damage and adverse effects on the environment.
- Insect and weed identification
- Pesticide applicator training, including continuing education units
- Traditional and organic pest control recommendations
Agricultural Entrepreneurship & Business Planning
WARNING: Harmful To Horses: Sorghum / Sudan / Johnson Grass
Although during a hay shortage people are forced to seek alternatives, please beware that not all alternatives are safe.
NMSU Horse Specialist Dr. Jason Turner provided these documents and includes some words of caution:
"I know that hay supplies are tight, but I would still caution horse owners against feeding Sorghum / Sudan hay to horses.
"The primary concern in horses is related to the potential for a neurological condition caused by lathyrogen compounds that can be present in the growing forage and hay.
"As is often the case with the horse, there is little definitive research on this issue to give us a complete picture. I have consulted Dr. Mark Marsalis , our extension specialist in the sorghum area, to get his input from the plant side of things."
- Stretching Your Horse's Hay Supply During A Drought (PDF)
Discusses alternative feed stuffs and feeding recommendations for horses when hay supplies run short. Colorado State University Extension Service Fact Sheet 1.625. Revised June 26, 2016.
- Johnsongrass Poisoning in Horses
Addresses the issues surrounding this drought-tolerant weed, which can cause nerve and fetal damage in horses. "Toxin Topic" article by Cynthia Gaskill, DVM PhD, clinical veterinary toxicologist, Univ. of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, June 25, 2016.
- CR-678: Poisonous Plants of New Mexico Rangelands
Includes sections on special poisoning problems such as cyanogenic glycosides / hydrogen cyanide (aka prussic acid) poisoning, nitrate poisoning, and Sorghum Cystitis, with suggested treatments.
- Hay and Forage Testing
Although the Bernalillo Co. Extension Service does not test hay or forage, we recommend you contact the Los Lunas Agricultural Science Center's Extension Forage Specialist Mark Marsalis. For his contact info, see his webpage: Los Lunas Science Center.
Resources - Farm, Ranch & Natural Resources
Bee & Wasp Resources
Visit our Bees & Wasps Resources Page.
- Albuquerque - Albuquerque Beekeepers Association (ABQbeeks):
- Outside Albuquerque - New Mexico Beekeepers Association (NMbeeks) - Events, Beekeeping Resources, Contacts
Our office receives calls throughout the year about "bees." In reality, some are honey bees while others are actually western yellow jackets. Learn more about the Differences: Bees vs. Wasps.
Bees are essential to fruit and vegetable production as well as seed production for many plants! Beekeeping is gaining in popularity in Albuquerque and a number of beekeepers are willing to collect the bees from your property. Learn more about bees, wasps and beekeepers at Albuquerque Beekeepers.
More from the NMSU-BernCo CES about
Bees & Wasps:
Area Growers & Farmers Markets
New Mexico Farmers' Marketing Association
Find a Market, Meet Some Farmers, Shopping, Recipes, Food Access, and more. Check back often.
New Mexico Farmers' Markets
Each of New Mexico's 50 growers' markets is unique, reflecting the particular character of local cultures, soils and climate. Most of our markets are open seasonally, from early or late summer through late fall. Five markets - Corrales, Los Ranchos, Santa Fe, Los Alamos and Las Cruces - are now open year-round. Learn more about the NM Farmer's Market.
Food for People

Pledge to support Local Food
The food produced by our Bernalillo County Extension Service office is donated to the Roadrunner Food Bank and widely distributed to a number of groups and individuals in need. Julie Anderson with the RRFB says fresh produce is the first thing to go when people are selecting their food for the week. In 2013, the Gutierrez-Hubbell House will serve as a distribution center for other backyard farmers who want to donate extra fresh produce. If you are interested in donating produce, call farm manager Gabe Bauman-Baker at (574) 238-8957.