4-H Youth Development

Bernalillo County Cooperative Extension Service


4-H Enrollment
  • Enrollment for the 2024-2025 4-H year begins on October 1, 2024. For questions, please contact bernalillo@nmsu.edu.
2025 FCS School
2025 Youth Get Away

The 4-H Youth Development Program is a Dynamic Education Program

The 4-H youth development program is a dynamic non-formal education program. 4-H provides opportunities to learn life skills, gain knowledge while having fun, and make contributions in such areas as environmental education, community service, and current youth issues. The 4-H program is dedicated to providing opportunities for young people to develop leadership and management skills, positive self-esteem, effective communication skills, a solid sense of personal responsibility and the ability to make sound decisions. The life-skills learned in 4-H enable youth to become productive, well-informed, self-reliant responsible adults.

Philosophy & Objectives

To "learn by doing" is fundamental to any sound educational program and is characteristic of the 4-H youth development program. Informal education provided by the 4-H program enhances the basic values provided by the home, school, community, and other youth-friendly environments.

These fundamental values in 4-H address the personal qualities young people need to become productive citizens in the world today and tomorrow:

Acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes for a satisfying life. The objective is to teach 4-H members how to think, not what to think. Enjoy a useful work experience, together with the responsibility and satisfaction of personal accomplishment. Sound work habits carry over into worthwhile personal achievement. Develop leadership talents and abilities to participate effectively as members of a group. 4-H recognizes the role of citizens who actively join and participate in community groups with the guidance of friendly adults. Develop personal standards and philosophy of life based on lasting values. This includes making the world a better place for others, stressing honesty, integrity, and high standards for the individual and the group. Develop an appreciation for the importance of science, agriculture, and the home, and their relationship to the total economy. Education is the foundation of 4-H programming through its direct tie to state land-grant universities.


4-H is the largest youth organization in the world with 7 million youth members and 603,000 volunteer leaders.

In New Mexico 4-H Clubs, there are:

  • More than 30,000 youths
  • More than 4,000 volunteers
  • More than 200 projects available

4-H offers youth:

  • Membership in positive peer groups
  • Year-round community clubs
  • Special-interest and short-term groups
  • School enrichment programs
  • Leadership experiences
  • Events, camps, and activities

There are also project schools, such as horse, lamb, goat, pig, and steer schools; and sewing camps.

4-H History

The beginning of 4-H club work in New Mexico dates back to 1912. In January of that year, the New Mexico Agricultural College and the Santa Fe railway ran an agricultural train on all parts of the Santa Fe Railway system in the state. The train carried livestock and farm exhibits, and educational talks were given by specialists of the Agricultural College. Special meetings were held for young people in which boys' and girls' club work was discussed and organized. In 1913, the same general plan was followed with an agricultural train run in cooperation with the El Paso and Southwestern Railway. As a result, several boys' and girls' clubs were organized in eastern New Mexico.

With the passage of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914, and the permanent establishment of Cooperative Extension in New Mexico, more concentrated club work followed.

Under the stress of the war emergency in 1918, the state enrollment in 4-H clubs reached 4,181 members. By 1921, it was evident that club work was one of the most effective means of introducing better livestock into the state, since larger numbers of high grade pigs, beef, dairy calves, and poultry were being produced in club projects each year. Also the introduction of pure seed and seed treatment, to prevent disease, were stimulated through club activities. In 1930 and 1931, club terracing demonstration contests created widespread interest in soil erosion control.

Local volunteer 4-H leaders were invited to become involved by Extension workers to aid in the club program. Leader training meetings began in 1924 and have been held as an important component of 4-H programming ever since.

Today, 4-H projects are offered in creative arts, health and nutrition, natural science, plants and animals, communications, and many more areas! 4-H reaches youth in urban, suburban, and rural communities throughout New Mexico.

Bernalillo County 4-H Clubs

4-H Quote

There are approximately 15-20 clubs in our county each year, totaling approximately 350 traditional 4-H members. 4-H clubs vary in participation and project interests or focuses. Many are general 4-H clubs, which means the club and members participate in a variety of projects and activities. Other clubs are more focused on projects such as livestock, rodeo, or horse.

Enrollment Deadlines

  • To participate in the current 4-H program year youth must be enrolled by May 1

  • Registration for next year's program will open on October 1

4-H In the School Highlight

Contact Us

NMSU-Bernalillo County Cooperative Extension Service
1510 Menaul Blvd Ext NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone: 505-243-1386 844-409-0562 (Toll Free)
Fax: 505-243-1545
Email: bernalillo@nmsu.edu
URL: https://bernalilloextension.nmsu.edu

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