- Albuquerque - Albuquerque Beekeepers Association (ABQbeeks):
- Outside Albuquerque - New Mexico Beekeepers Association (NMbeeks) - Events, Beekeeping Resources, Contacts
Events & Workshops
Q: I have bees swarming on my place, what do I do?
Q: Who can safely and humanely remove bees from my property in the Albuquerque area?
A: The office gets several calls about "bees" throughout the year. Some are honey bees while others are western yellow jackets. Bees are essential to fruit and vegetable production, as well as seed production for many plants! Here are some helpful articles and publications (Click on the Title to open the page or document):
Beekeeping is gaining in popularity in Albuquerque, and a number of beekeepers are willing to collect the bees from your property.
Pollinator & Bee Protection
The EPA has given new guidelines for BEE and Pollinator Protection when applying pesticides. Educate yourself on these new guidelines
Beekeepers Association
For more information, visit these links:
New Mexico Beekeepers Association
Learn about upcoming beekeeping events and how to become a certified beekeeper.