Teacher Resources
4-H Curriculum Kits
National 4-H Youth Science Day Kits & Lesson Plans
Eco-Bot Challenge: youth learn to think like a robotics engineer, assembling their own robots to control surfaces in order to manage an environmental clean-up. Free download; kits available for purchase.
4-H2O: youth learn about water quality, climate change, and impacts through an experiment that shows how carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere. Free download.
Robotics -- inexpensive, yet very cool!
State 4-H Curriculum Kits
- New Mexico 4-H Youth Development 2023-2024 Curriculum Kits & Audio Visual Materials. Grades K-12. Designed for in-school and out-of-school programming. Accessible through our office. In some cases, we can LOAN the kit / materials to you.
4-H Online Curricula

- 4-H National Youth Science Day
- Environmental Science and Alternative Energy
- Engineering and Technology
- Plant and Animal Science
- Outdoor Classroom
Click here for more information about 4-H Curricula.

- Health
- Nutrition
- Fitness
- Preventative Health and Safety
Click here for more information about 4-H Curricula.

- Leadership
- Personal Development
- Community Action
- Communication and Expressive Arts
- Future Millionaires Youth
- Future 4-H Millionaires Club
Click here for more information about 4-H Curricula.
Online Games from NMSU

Math Snacks: features math learning modules for mid-school youth with humorous storylines and creative graphics. Smart and yummy educational animations, mini-games, and interactive tools that help mid-school learners better understand math concepts.

Theme Park Kitchen: Theme Park Kitchen supports food safety learning for middle school youth. This fun, multi-level game teaches safe food handling, including handwashing, cooking foods to the proper temperature and avoiding cross-contamination.

Exergames Unlocked: Exergames are videogames that encourage physical activity. Here, you'll find the best and most effective exergames, as well as strategies and recommendations on using them with different audiences and in different locations.

Virtual Lab: these virtual labs train high school and college students in basic laboratory techniques. Using specific scientific lab processes already used in food science, students practice the methods used by lab technicians and researchers in a variety of careers.

Science Pirates: builds a better understanding of science processes and food safety. The game takes approximately two hours to play. Ideal for middle school students. Songs available on YouTube and NMSU's iTunes U.

Treadsylvania: safely ride your ATV through mysterious locations and defeat the horrible monsters to free the town from their evil grasp!
New Apps from NMSU
NMSU Learning Games Lab offers Free Mobile Apps in regular and HD for iPhone, iPad & IPod Touch, featuring:
- Fitness -- Eat & Move-o-Matic was recently listed in Best Fitness Apps for Kids 2012 and endorsed by Boost Cooperative as their November Free App of the Month.
- Math games -- Pearl Diver (grades 3-8), Lobster Diver (grades 3-8), MathSnacks (grades 6-8)