About Us
The mission of the Bernalillo County Cooperative Extension Service is to provide the people of Bernalillo County with practical, research-based knowledge and programs to improve their quality of life. Our staff is dedicated to meeting the needs of a diverse and ever-changing adult and youth population. Learn more about our programs and upcoming events.
In addition, we have many bi-lingual staff. ICAN Program nutrition education is offered in Spanish or English.
Here in Bernalillo County, our educational services and resources include topic areas such as:
- Yard & Garden
- Farm, Ranch & Natural Resources
- Food and Nutrition
- Health, Wellness & Family
- 4-H Youth Development
- Community Economic Development
The Cooperative Extension Service, also known as the Extension Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is a nationwide, non-formal educational outreach program implemented in the United States in 1914. Each U.S. state and territory has a state office at its land grant university, and a network of local or regional offices. These offices are staffed by one or more experts who provide useful, practical and research-based information to agricultural producers, small business owners, youth, gardeners, consumers and others in rural, suburban and urban communities.
The program is designed to help people use research-based knowledge to improve their lives. In most states the educational offerings are in the areas of agriculture, animals, horticulture, food, family, environment, community & economic development and youth. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the USDA administers funding for Smith Lever Act services in cooperation with state and county governments and land grant universities.
New Mexico State University is our land grant university. There is a Cooperative Extension Service office in all New Mexico counties. Learn more about NMSU Cooperative Extension.